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What is a payment-gated landing page and why do you need one?

At Keyosk, we believe all content is premium content. That’s why we give every story, article, essay, recipe — you name it — its own landing page with a screenshot, title, content description, call to action, social feedback, and purchase price.
Keyosk builds payment-gated landing pages for your content, turning your unique URLs into online storefronts that you control. Keyosk takes a screenshot of the content on your URL. You can provide a description of the content.
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The landing page is designed to make your content stand out and to give your customers everything they need to make a purchase decision. Because once your content is connected to Keyosk, no one will be able to access it without paying you.
Keyosk is powered by monetized links.
Once you connect your content URL with Keyosk, we create a new, monetized link for it. When you share your monetized link, users who follow the link will arrive at a payment-gated landing page for your content.
Keyosk does this with each piece of your content that exists on a unique URL. This allows you, the content creator, to decide how much each piece of content is worth. You have the flexibility to charge a different price — from $1 to $50 — for each piece of content. You can add content descriptions explaining what customers will be getting.
Keyosk Pro members can customize calls to action as needed. Raising money for a charity? Starting a serial publication? Let your customers know in the call to action.
To build trust with your audience, we also allow readers to request a refund within 24 hours if the purchase ended up not being right for them.